Saturday, June 30, 2012

Beneficiile anti-ageing ale celulelor stem

Un nou articol publicat "peste ocean" despre beneficiile miraculoase ale celulelor stem impotriva imbatranirii premature a tenului:

"The scientists stumbled upon the discovery while doing stem cell research for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. They essentially cracked open the cells and removed the proteins and peptides from the inside to use as part of a mixture for a topical skin cream.
Clinical studies showed that the extract—not the stem cells themselves—stimulated the skin and plumped it up, making the skin appear more youthful and healthy.
“We have very good clinical results in terms of appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, skin brightness, luminosity and skin firmness,” Craw said.
The results indicated that the cell extract achieved these benefits by increasing the level of skin proteins like collagen and elastin.

Mai multe detalii pe foxnews!

De aceea La Duchesse iti pune la dispozitie in Romania gama de produse dermocosmetice pe baza de celule stem pentru regenerarea si hidratarea tenului!

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